Frequently Asked Questions

What is histopathology?

Histopathology is the diagnosis and study of diseases of the tissues. It involves examining tissues and cells under a microscope. Histopathologists are highly trained and experienced medical professionals that are responsible for diagnosing tissues samples and identifying cancerous cells.

What happens to a histopathology sample?

After a skin or tissue sample is collected from the patient, it travels to our laboratory where it is processed and prepared by a highly trained team of scientists. The tissue is then given to our qualified histopathologist for diagnosis.

When will my results be ready?

MyLab pathology has a turnaround time of under 48 business hours. Typically, a specimen will arrive to the lab, be processed overnight, and then analysed by a pathologist the following day. However, factors such as additional tests can delay results by one or two business days.

We recommend patients book a follow up appointment about one week after the specimen is taken.

How do I get a copy of results?

If you are a referring doctor or the patient’s documented practioner, we will fax or electronically transmit the results directly to you.

If you are not a referring doctor or the patient’s documented practioner, please complete our Patient Results Release Form and fax it to us at (07) 3277 3744.

If you are a patient and would like a copy of your own results, please contact the clinic that performed the surgical procedure or your general practitioner.

How much does a histopathology test cost?

MyLab bulk bills the majority of our procedures, as long as a valid Medicare or Veterans Affairs number is provided.

Payment will be required if a patient is not covered by Medicare or the procedure was performed at a private hospital.