Almost two thirds of all Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer before they turn 70. This means Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. MyLab Pathology wants to change these statistics and reduce the burden of skin cancer for all Australians.
We continue towards this goal by focusing on early detection through accurate and efficient diagnosis. Our community has expanded to include over 100 referrers across Australia who trust MyLab with their patients’ cases.
Our state-of-the-art laboratories and qualified dermato-pathologists offer excellent turn-around times, ensuring that patient results are completed as soon as possible. Our team are always available to discuss reports and assist in whatever way we can.
At MyLab, we believe that your patient is our patient. We are proud to support our doctors in the diagnosis, treatment, and hopefully one day, elimination of skin cancer in Australia.
At MyLab we are constantly looking for ways to contribute to the world of histopathology diagnostics. We believe that investing in research and innovation will be a benefit not just to us, but to our referring doctors and their patients as well.
Our research team are currently investigating the link between the clearance margins of an excised cancer cell and the likelihood of that cancer returning in the patient. This research could lead to refinement of the excision margin sizes pathologists recommended to practitioners, and better treatment outcomes for patients.
We are also invested in current University of Queensland research into the development of machine-learning technologies that could identify and classify skin cancer cells, potentially evolving into an assistive diagnosis tool for pathologists.
Are you concerned about your skin? Maybe it’s time for a check up.
MyLab Pathology are affiliated with a number of fantastic skin cancer clinics that focus exclusively on the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of skin cancer. Visit their links below to book an appointment.

68 Hunter Street
Brassall QLD 4305